Bone Health Supplements for Women

bone health supplements
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Why Choose Rebuild® by Metabolic Maintenance®?

Starting around age 35, women begin to gradually lose bone [1]. This loss becomes markedly faster during and after menopause and maintaining bone health becomes increasingly crucial [1]. Estrogen, a hormone that protects bones, decreases significantly during menopause. This reduction leads to an increase in bone resorption, where bones break down faster than they are built up, resulting in a decrease in bone density and an increase in fragility [1]. Understanding and addressing these changes is essential for maintaining bone health. Comprehensive bone health supplements like Rebuild® by Metabolic Maintenance® can provide essential nutrients that support bone strength and health.

Which Nutrients Make the Best Bone Health Supplements?


Calcium is a fundamental mineral for bone health, making up a significant portion of bone structure. We need adequate calcium throughout the lifespan. Early in life, it supports achieving peak bone mass. During menopause, the rate of bone loss can accelerate, making adequate calcium intake vital. Clinical research has shown that calcium supplementation can significantly reduce the risk of bone fractures in postmenopausal women [2]. Another meta-analysis confirmed that calcium, when combined with vitamin D, reduces the risk of bone fractures, providing compelling evidence for its necessity [3].


Magnesium plays a crucial role in bone mineralization and the absorption of calcium. Research indicates that higher magnesium intake may lead to greater bone mineral density in older adults [4]. There is also a link between magnesium deficiency and impaired bone growth and maintenance, highlighting the importance of this mineral in bone health [5].

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption in the gut, a process that becomes less efficient with age [6]. Supplementation with vitamin D is therefore critical for bone health and reducing fracture risk. Furthermore, the NIH underscores the role of vitamin D and calcium supplementation, in tandem, in maintaining bone mineral density and preventing bone-related health issues, especially in postmenopausal women [7].

Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 is well known for its role in healthy blood coagulation, but it also helps bind calcium to the bone matrix, enhancing bone strength and reducing the risk of fractures [8]. It has been reported that vitamin K2 supplementation improves bone mineral density and reduces fracture rates in postmenopausal women [9]. Additionally, research has found that vitamin K2 can help preserve bone strength and reduce fracture risk in other demographic groups, making it a valuable component of any bone health regimen [10].


Boron supports the metabolism of minerals involved in bone development. Studies suggest that boron supplementation can enhance bone growth and maintenance, positively impacting bone density and strength [11].

Trace Minerals

Zinc, copper, and manganese are trace minerals essential for bone matrix development and repair. The current research indicates these minerals play a significant role in bone health and can prevent bone loss [12]. Additional research has found that supplementation with these trace elements can improve bone density and strength in postmenopausal women, further supporting their inclusion in a comprehensive bone health supplement [13].

What Makes Rebuild® a Great Bone Health Supplement?

Rebuild® by Metabolic Maintenance® is designed to provide a balanced blend of all of the above essential nutrients for bone health, making it an excellent solution for women (or anyone) looking to maintain strong bones. The high-quality ingredients in Rebuild® are carefully selected and tested for effectiveness and safety, ensuring that each nutrient is included at optimal levels for maximum benefit. By addressing the changes that occur in bone health during and after menopause, Rebuild® supports bone strength and reduces the risk of fractures and other bone-related health issues.

Investing in a bone health supplement like Rebuild® can significantly impact your bone health, especially as you age. By providing essential nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin K2, Rebuild® supports bone strength. Ensure a stronger, healthier future by incorporating Rebuild® into your daily regimen.

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