Bone Health Supplements for Women

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Why Choose Rebuild® by Metabolic Maintenance®?

Starting around age 35, women begin to gradually lose bone [1]. This loss becomes markedly faster during and after menopause and maintaining bone health becomes increasingly crucial [1]. Estrogen, a hormone that protects bones, decreases significantly during menopause. This reduction … Read the rest

Foundational Training

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Exercise Tips for Building Foundational Strength

In the realm of fitness, the importance of building a solid foundation cannot be overstated. Foundational training is the bedrock upon which all other forms of physical movement are built. It doesn’t matter if you’re an athlete, enjoy occasional physical … Read the rest

Amino Acids for Energy: The Building Blocks of Power and Cognition

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Feeling energized is a game changer. Whether in the gym, the office, or powering through home projects, our energy level can make or break efficiency and satisfaction. But where can you go for sustainable, natural energy? Caffeine and sugar have their perks, but they come with … Read the rest

Supplements for Strength

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Building Foundational Strength with Nutrition

We are not talking about bodybuilding, we’re talking about foundational strength. Foundational strength, or general physical preparedness (GPP), is the physical skill set needed to capably and comfortably complete the functional movements of everyday life. It’s the foundation for all … Read the rest

What are Excipients? 

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Excipients are inactive and non-nutritive additives used in most supplements and medications. They may be added to improve stability, enhance taste or appearance, or facilitate manufacturing processes. While excipients make processing and storage of supplements easier, there are potential health risks that come with their use. … Read the rest

Build Your Immune System

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As the back-to-school season has arrived, the stress of a shift in routine, coupled with increased exposure to germs, can challenge even the healthiest immune systems. For families looking to support their immunity naturally, certain supplements can play a crucial role. Among these, Vitamin C stands … Read the rest