Nutritional Support for Transgender People in Transition

Reading Time: 8 minutes

While natural health supplements marketed to “women” and “men” are widely available, these labels can be alienating to important and significant populations of people. To someone who identifies as a trans woman or nonbinary, taking a “men’s” vitamin daily for their biology may feel like yet … Read the rest

Berberine Supplements: What’s the Hype About?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

News media is having a heyday over berberine supplements right now. As it turns out, the clinical data justifies the hype. 

Carrying excess body weight is not only a vanity issue. Excess body mass is associated with numerous health risks. Putting healthy efforts into maintaining a … Read the rest

Holiday Stress and the Immune System

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Address both stress and your immunity with Balanced ResponseTM

Welcome to the 2023 Holiday Season! There are so many wonderful aspects to this time of year: gatherings, family, and the promise of a new year. On the flip side, those gatherings, that family, the reminder … Read the rest

Supplements to Help You Sleep 

Reading Time: 7 minutes

R.E.M. Maintenance™ offers 6 Sleep-Supportive Nutrients in 1 Supplement

Much like food, water, and air, sleep is a basic necessity for human survival. Getting enough sleep, quality sleep, and sleeping at the right time for your body can help to maximize your health and vitality. If … Read the rest