Which Supplements are Best for Heart Health?

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

In a lifetime, the average heart will beat 2.5 billion times. This vital organ is not only responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, but it is also the workhorse muscle that sustains life.

The key to heart health is a healthy diet, active lifestyle, and minimizing or avoiding unhealthy behaviors such as smoking. However, some diets may lack essential nutrients. Even the perfect diet for younger people may not provide enough nutrition as we age, because our bodies don’t produce or absorb nutrients as effectively. In these cases, supplements may help deliver essential nutrients to keep your heart healthy.


Coenzyme Q10, also known as CoQ10, is a naturally-occurring antioxidant in the body that helps produce energy for your cells.

Production of CoQ10 decreases as you age, which can sometimes lead to deficiency in aging populations.

In recent studies, researchers found that CoQ10 may help improve heart function and reduce oxidative damage.(1)(2)(3)

[Shop CoQ10]


D-Ribose is a naturally-occurring molecule in the body that is used to produce energy in the body’s cells. While the body produces D-ribose naturally, it is produced slowly and organs such as the heart produce only enough to maintain energy in ideal health.

D-Ribose can deplete for a number of reasons, the most common of which being cardiovascular issues. D-ribose is an essential nutrient for the protection and recovery from cardiovascular challenges. However, during cardiovascular issues, the heart is typically unable to produce enough D-ribose to function at full energy, which can further exacerbate deficiency.

D-Ribose helps myocardial cells restore ATP which can also increase the amount of blood flow in the heart. This may help to protect against age-related issues such as deteriorating mitochondria or degenerative heart conditions.


The attention toward L-arginine has increased in recent years due to its potential heart benefits. Arginine is an important amino acid that is a precursor to nitric oxide. This powerful neurotransmitter is essential in helping blood vessels dilate and helps maintain healthy circulation.

In addition to assisting in circulation, L-arginine also helps regulate intracellular pH, has antioxidative properties, and supports healthy blood pressure. It may also help affect the metabolism of glucose, lipids, and proteins.(4)

L-Arginine may interact with certain blood pressure medications, so as with all supplements, users should consult a doctor before use.

[Shop L-Arginine]


Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that supports cardiovascular health, including supporting healthy platelet function and helping to maintain healthy arachidonic acid metabolism.

Resveratrol has become a popular topic of conversation, especially around the discussion of red wine’s potential heart benefits, because it may have the potential to prevent damage to blood vessels.(5)

However, in its natural form, poor bioavailability—or the body’s inability to sufficiently absorb the substance—has caused barriers to research. However, recent studies have found that combining resveratrol with piperine can significantly enhance absorption, increasing the bioavailability of this antioxidant in the body.

[Shop Resveratrol with Piperine]

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3s have made a huge splash in the nutrition industry, with over $30B spent per year worldwide on the supplement. While there are several proposed benefits to Omega-3 fatty acids, one of the most popular goals is to increase heart health.

Some possible effects of Omega-3 fatty acids include decreasing serum levels of triglycerides, increasing low-density lipoprotein, and improving arterial dilation.(6) [Shop All Cardio Health Supplements]