Benefits of Calcium Magnesium Supplements

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Cal/Mag for Body/Mind

Most supplement brands offer a calcium and magnesium combination supplement. These two nutrients are not only synergistic in their functions, but also both essential and commonly lacking in the typical modern diet. Taking calcium magnesium supplements can fill two nutritional gaps with one capsule.

It has been estimated that nearly half of the adults in the US are magnesium deficient [1], and half of the global population are calcium deficient [2]. In the US, calcium deficiency tends to disproportionately affect older/elderly adults, teenagers, minorities, and those who are overweight [3].

Typically, we know calcium for its central role in bone health, but it has so many other important functions in the body. Areas of health in which calcium plays an essential role include bone, muscle, nerve, and heart health.

Calcium plays a necessary role in the critical metabolic functions of vascular contraction and vasodilation, muscle function, nerve transmission, intracellular signaling, and hormonal secretion. When calcium intake is inadequate to fulfill all of these needs, the body uses calcium from your bones as a reservoir to maintain serum calcium levels. Bone health is maintained when the creation of new bone keeps up with the removal of old bone, resulting in normal bone mineral density [4].

Why take Magnesium with Calcium?

Magnesium is essential for the absorption of calcium, the formation of bone, and impacts the activity of parathyroid hormone (a regulator of calcium homeostasis) [5]. Sixty percent of the body’s magnesium is stored in bone. When serum levels are low, the body draws magnesium out of bone storage for other biological functions (much like calcium). This process can affect healthy bone mineral density.

When magnesium levels are adequate, it helps keep dissolved calcium available in the blood for distribution throughout the body. It stops excess calcium from being deposited unevenly in the internal organs [6]. 

Magnesium also stimulates a hormone called calcitonin. Calcitonin helps to preserve bone structure by drawing calcium from the blood back into bones. Through this mechanism it reduces the risk for bone density challenges, cardiovascular issues, and kidney trouble [6].

Does my diet provide enough calcium?

It is possible to be calcium deficient, even on a nutritious and balanced diet. This is especially true if you are vegan or dairy-free, eat a high-protein or high-sodium diet (which can cause excess calcium excretion), or have digestive issues that decrease your calcium absorption [7]. 

Taking a regular calcium supplement can help to balance any of these issues and make sure you are reaching your daily recommended intake.

Can Magnesium help with sleep?

Aside from its musculoskeletal benefits, magnesium also promotes deep, restorative sleep. With insufficient magnesium intake, individuals may report experiencing restless sleep and waking frequently during the night. 

The mechanism of magnesium’s effects on sleep is related to its role as a regulator of the parasympathetic nervous system. This is the system responsible for promoting calm and relaxation [8]. It also helps to regulate melatonin [9] and GABA, the neurotransmitter responsible for quieting the nervous system [10].

Over 300 biochemical reactions in the body require magnesium. This long list includes protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation. It helps to maintain the regularity of the heartbeat, supporting healthy heart function [11]. 

Maintaining adequate magnesium levels in the body is not only essential for proper circulation and distribution of calcium, but also for the activation of vitamin D so that it can facilitate calcium absorption [6].

What Makes Metabolic Maintenance®’s Cal/Mag Special?

Our Cal/Mag 1:2 formula offers a magnesium to calcium ratio that has been recommended by research and health professionals to address clinical deficiencies of these important elements [6].

The dicalcium malate in Metabolic Maintenance®’s Cal/Mag 1:2 is optimally absorbed and better tolerated than other forms of calcium you can take [12]. And, unlike many calcium supplements, it is easily absorbed with or without food, so it can be taken at any time of day. Many people choose to take Cal/Mag at bedtime, due to the calming effects of magnesium.

Talk to your healthcare professional about the benefits of adding Cal/Mag 1:2 to your diet, and sleep soundly knowing you’re doing your best to nutritionally protect your bones, heart, and overall health.

Is Cal/Mag the Best Supplement for My Bones?

While one important benefit of a Cal/Mag blend is supporting bone health, Metabolic Maintenance® offers an even more complete formula if bone health is your priority.

Rebuild® is a bone support formula, whose design is based on a 2-year, double-blind, placebo-controlled study that measured spinal bone loss in postmenopausal women [13]. The results showed that supplementation with calcium plus trace minerals (zinc, manganese, and copper) was far more effective in maintaining bone mineral density than calcium alone.

Therefore, in addition to calcium and magnesium, Rebuild® contains vitamin D, vitamin K, zinc, and other trace minerals important to bone health. Deficiencies of these nutrients can slow bone production or accelerate bone loss [13].

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