The Do’s and Don’ts to Intermittent Fasting for Balanced Blood Sugar

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Intermittent fasting and blood sugar can work together or against one another. Balance depends on how the fasting and feasting is planned out.

To “fast” is to go without food for a period of time. In a country where we struggle with an epidemic of obesity, … Read the rest

Imbalanced Blood Sugar and Nerves

Reading Time: 6 minutes

A Link Between Metabolic Health and Nerve Health

We rely on our nerves to relay sensory information like smell, touch, and taste from our senses, skin, muscles, and organs to our brain. Nerves are also responsible for sending information in the opposite direction, from our brains … Read the rest

Do I need a multivitamin? How do I choose the best one for me?

Reading Time: 6 minutes

We generally think of malnutrition as a plight specific to developing nations and associate it with the lack of food. The trouble we experience in westernized countries is more often “hidden hunger”, or the insufficient consumption of essential nutrition, hidden by the fact that we technically … Read the rest

Folate: A Critical Nutrient for a Healthy Balance

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Folate is a tricky nutrient. It is essential, which means your body can’t make it and you need to consume it, BUT there can be a big difference between how much you are consuming and how much your body is actually able to use. In honor … Read the rest