Do the elderly need to take amino acids?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

While age brings valuable wisdom, it unfortunately also brings the gradual wasting of skeletal muscle mass, known as sarcopenia. More unfortunately still, sarcopenia brings with it an increased risk of injury, disability, and the loss of independence. Starting as early as our 30’s, research has shown … Read the rest

A tea party to reduce stress?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

More and more evidence has found its way to mainstream media regarding the importance of connectedness and socialization as a necessary element for reducing stress. Humans are inherently social beings and enjoy the company of others for various reasons while those connections contribute to better overall … Read the rest

Chromium Supports Healthy Blood Glucose

Reading Time: 3 minutes

What is Chromium?

Chromium is an essential trace mineral that we all need in our diets in very small quantities. Once absorbed, chromium is distributed widely in the body, with the highest levels being found in the kidney, liver, spleen, and bone [1]. It is one … Read the rest