Bone Health Supplements for Women

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Why Choose Rebuild® by Metabolic Maintenance®?

Starting around age 35, women begin to gradually lose bone [1]. This loss becomes markedly faster during and after menopause and maintaining bone health becomes increasingly crucial [1]. Estrogen, a hormone that protects bones, decreases significantly during menopause. This reduction … Read the rest

Supplements for Strength

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Building Foundational Strength with Nutrition

We are not talking about bodybuilding, we’re talking about foundational strength. Foundational strength, or general physical preparedness (GPP), is the physical skill set needed to capably and comfortably complete the functional movements of everyday life. It’s the foundation for all … Read the rest

Build Your Immune System

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As the back-to-school season has arrived, the stress of a shift in routine, coupled with increased exposure to germs, can challenge even the healthiest immune systems. For families looking to support their immunity naturally, certain supplements can play a crucial role. Among these, Vitamin C stands … Read the rest

Muscle Loss With Age

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Preserving Mobility With Protein

As we age, maintaining muscle mass and function becomes increasingly important for preserving mobility and independence. One of the greatest threats to this is natural muscle loss with age, which can significantly impact our quality of life as we grow older. In … Read the rest

What is Aging in Place?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Aging in Place: A Scientific Approach to Independence Through Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle

Happy Independence Day! Independence has many meanings, and for lots of us, as we get older, we start to look at independence as staying mobile, healthy, and self-sufficient for as long as possible. … Read the rest