What is DIM and how does it work with hormones? Diindolylmethane (or DIM) is both an antioxidant and phytonutrient. It is a naturally occurring substance generated when acids in the stomach break down indole-3-carbinol (I3C), a compound found in cruciferous vegetables such as kale, broccoli, cabbage, … Read the rest
Category: Women’s Health
Can foods help with fertility?
Forget the oysters and champagne. Here is the real science behind the foods that are more likely to help you get pregnant.
About 15% of heterosexual couples report struggling with infertility, and it is a nearly even 50/50 split between whether the issue is on the … Read the rest
A tea party to reduce stress?
More and more evidence has found its way to mainstream media regarding the importance of connectedness and socialization as a necessary element for reducing stress. Humans are inherently social beings and enjoy the company of others for various reasons while those connections contribute to better overall … Read the rest
Why we still LOVE Avocado Toast!
Some say it’s basic, others say it’s the bomb, and we say it’s here to stay. Avocado toast, when done with whole grains, organic free range eggs, and in season avocados, is a nutrient dense and delicious meal. A single medium sized avocado contains 10 … Read the rest
Chromium Supports Healthy Blood Glucose
What is Chromium?
Chromium is an essential trace mineral that we all need in our diets in very small quantities. Once absorbed, chromium is distributed widely in the body, with the highest levels being found in the kidney, liver, spleen, and bone [1]. It is one … Read the rest
Which Supplements are Best for Heart Health?
In a lifetime, the average heart will beat 2.5 billion times. This vital organ is not only responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, but it is also the workhorse muscle that sustains life.
The key to heart health is a healthy diet, active … Read the rest
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) and Cognitive Health
As we age, many elements of our lives and bodies begin to slow down a little bit. Unfortunately, some of that slow-down occurs in our brains, thereby slowing our abilities to think clearly, remember clearly, or problem solve the way we could in our younger years. … Read the rest
Guide to Prebiotics
Reading Time: 5 minutesIn this day and age, many consumers are well aware of the health benefits that come along with a diet rich in fiber and probiotics. Prebiotic foods, however, are commonly lacking from the typical American diet. Probiotics are living microorganisms that benefit the digestive system … Read the rest
8 Benefits of Amino Acid Supplements
Reading Time: 3 minutesAmino acids are taking the health community by storm and it’s no wonder why. These building blocks are more than just brainless Lego bricks; they’re intuitive powerhouses that reorder, refold, and rebuild in ways even the brainiest humans can’t predict or replicate. Amino acids are literally… Read the rest
When t Take Amino Acids?
While many athletes have different preferences for when to take amino acids, evidence from several studies suggests that the best time to take amino acids is directly before a workout. This timing seems to best trigger muscle synthesis, prevent muscle damage, and stimulate recovery. It also … Read the rest