Metabolic Maintenance Posts

  • Foundational Training

    Foundational Training

    Reading Time: 4 minutes Exercise Tips for Building Foundational Strength In the realm of fitness, the importance of building a solid foundation cannot be overstated. Foundational training is the bedrock upon which all other forms of physical movement are built. It doesn’t matter if you’re an athlete, enjoy occasional physical activity, or have difficulties with…

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  • Amino Acids for Energy: The Building Blocks of Power and Cognition

    Amino Acids for Energy: The Building Blocks of Power and Cognition

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Feeling energized is a game changer. Whether in the gym, the office, or powering through home projects, our energy level can make or break efficiency and satisfaction. But where can you go for sustainable, natural energy? Caffeine and sugar have their perks, but they come with major drawbacks. Amino acids for…

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  • Supplements for Strength

    Supplements for Strength

    Reading Time: 4 minutes Building Foundational Strength with Nutrition We are not talking about bodybuilding, we’re talking about foundational strength. Foundational strength, or general physical preparedness (GPP), is the physical skill set needed to capably and comfortably complete the functional movements of everyday life. It’s the foundation for all fitness aspects, including power, endurance, speed,…

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  • What are Excipients? 

    What are Excipients? 

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Excipients are inactive and non-nutritive additives used in most supplements and medications. They may be added to improve stability, enhance taste or appearance, or facilitate manufacturing processes. While excipients make processing and storage of supplements easier, there are potential health risks that come with their use.  Why Metabolic Maintenance® DOES NOT…

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  • Eight Ways to Use Mood Support Supplements to Enhance Brain Biochemistry

    Eight Ways to Use Mood Support Supplements to Enhance Brain Biochemistry

    Reading Time: 7 minutes Written by Cass Nelson-Dooley, MS  Over the last few years, practitioners of all types have noted the rise in people seeking broader support for mental wellness. Whether increased energy, balanced mood or focused attention are the goals, targeted nutrition and botanical medicine can be utilized to nourish the nervous system. Diet…

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  • Build Your Immune System

    Build Your Immune System

    Reading Time: 3 minutes As the back-to-school season has arrived, the stress of a shift in routine, coupled with increased exposure to germs, can challenge even the healthiest immune systems. For families looking to support their immunity naturally, certain supplements can play a crucial role. Among these, Vitamin C stands out as a cornerstone for…

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  • Vitamin C and Adrenal Fatigue

    Vitamin C and Adrenal Fatigue

    Reading Time: 3 minutes End of summer is a stressful time for many of us. Routines are changing, “summer hours” end for many businesses, and there may be fewer activities on the calendar to look forward to. Among the various nutrients that support our body’s response to stress, vitamin C stands out. This essential vitamin…

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  • What Does Vitamin C Do for Skin?

    What Does Vitamin C Do for Skin?

    Reading Time: 3 minutes In the pursuit of flawless skin, many turn to creams, serums, and treatments. But, since skin is built from the inside, what you put in your body matters too. One nutrient that stands out for its remarkable benefits is Vitamin C. Vitamin C is most commonly known for its immune boosting…

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  • Best Non-Toxic Indoor Paints, Countertops, and Cabinet Materials for Home Air Quality

    Best Non-Toxic Indoor Paints, Countertops, and Cabinet Materials for Home Air Quality

    Reading Time: 10 minutes Written By Cass Nelson-Dooley, MS Who doesn’t love a good home makeover show? What they never tell you is the huge amount of invisible toxins that are dumped into any home that gets a kitchen or home remodel. Before you dive in to your own personal HGTV home makeover, arm yourself…

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  • Muscle Loss With Age

    Muscle Loss With Age

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Preserving Mobility With Protein As we age, maintaining muscle mass and function becomes increasingly important for preserving mobility and independence. One of the greatest threats to this is natural muscle loss with age, which can significantly impact our quality of life as we grow older. In this article, we’ll explore scientific…

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  • Muscle Building Recipes: “Oyakodon” Rice Bowl

    Muscle Building Recipes: “Oyakodon” Rice Bowl

    Reading Time: 4 minutes Chicken and Eggs for Lean Muscle Gain Whether or not you read our blog piece this month on muscle wasting with age, if you are looking for muscle building recipes, look no further. This one is rich in protein and other nutrients necessary for building lean muscle. Plus, it’s made in…

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  • What is Aging in Place?

    What is Aging in Place?

    Reading Time: 4 minutes Aging in Place: A Scientific Approach to Independence Through Nutrition and Healthy Lifestyle Happy Independence Day! Independence has many meanings, and for lots of us, as we get older, we start to look at independence as staying mobile, healthy, and self-sufficient for as long as possible. What is aging in place?…

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